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25 items found in 4 pages
Children’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education
At this hybrid symposium, we shared research related to Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education across various contexts. Based on the research-informed evidence, we engaged in discussions about children and young people's participation in mitigating climate changes and how we (researchers, teachers, early years practitioners, parents, children and young people, etc.) can contribute to Sustainability Education to strengthen our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2008 - Episode 16: Living Without a Language Instinct: Language, the Brain and Children With Specific Language Impairment
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2008 - Episode 16: Living Without a Language Instinct: Language, the Brain and Children With Specific Language Impairment Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
When non-native speakers compete for top schools
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
Language and Literacy Projects at DCAL
We currently have three exciting projects that investigate language and literacy development in deaf children at DCAL. Some aspects of the projects overlap. However, the specific aims of each project are different. Below is a brief explanation of each project, including their aims and which deaf children they seek to recruit.
Language Comprehension in Deaf Children
Language-comprehension skills, such as vocabulary knowledge, syntactic abilities, and text comprehension, have found to be important skills particularly in bilingual contexts as a foundation in the development of literacy skills in a second language. Because there is no assessment in place that taps deaf children’s comprehension of BSL texts through literal and inferential dimensions, this project will first develop a new BSL comprehension task and then explore the relationship between language-comprehension skills in British Sign Language (BSL) as a first language, and the relationship between BSL text comprehension skills and English text comprehension skills.
Preschool language and literacy longitudinal study
The main aim of this project is to understand how preschool language and emerging literacy skills are related to later reading ability. Some hearing children and many deaf children find learning to read challenging. This means it is important to identify children who may struggle with reading BEFORE they start learning to read. Early identification will help ensure that children who need it have appropriate support as they begin learning to read. This project investigates whether we can predict which deaf and hearing children are at risk for literacy difficulties from their preschool language and phonological skills.
'Survivors' is a podcast from the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education, produced in 2021. It is a 30 min conversation with Dr Rebecca Clifford of Swansea University, author of 'Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust' and Dr Tom Haward from the UCL Centre about how ground-breaking research and book. It is framed with secondary school teachers in mind, but is open to all who are curious about the past.
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