5 items found in 1 pages
Making a difference: the 3-STEP approach for equitable makerspaces
The Making Spaces Project is a 4 year international research project based at UCL IOE - Faculty of Education and Society, lead by project Prof Louise Archer and funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The project developed resources to support equitable and inclusive practice in makerspaces aimed at improving diverse young people’s engagement with STEM. In the second phase of the project (2022-24) we have produced two key resources for the makerspace and informal STEM education sector: a guidebook ‘Towards equitable makerspaces: A guide to the 3-STEP approach’ and an accompanying online interactive professional development course. Prof. Louise Archer, Dr. Meghna Nag Chowdhuri, Dr. Qian Liu, Esme Freedman (UCL Making Spaces, UK) Ellen Havard (Knowle West Media Centre, UK) Pallab Shrestha (FabLab, Nepal) Tamara Morgan (Adaptive Design Association, USA) Claire Wicher (MadLab, UK) Heyam Heyak (Spark, Palestine)
Youth Equity + STEM: A research practice partnership for more equitable and just informal STEM learning
This video gives an overview of Youth Equity + STEM project, a UK-US collaboration focused on understanding and developing equitable and socially just practice in informal science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) learning.
Youth Equity and STEM - Dissemination Event (11th Oct 2021)
This online event will enable you to learn about the YESTEM project and our new suite of tools and resources for practitioners from the research team. You will hear from practitioners about their experiences of being involved in the partnership and their equitable practice and will be able to join a conversation about the future of UK informal STEM learning and how we can embed equity and social justice at the heart of UK ISL policy and practice.
The Science Capital Teaching Approach Trailer
The Science Capital Teaching Approach is a social justice oriented approach to engaging more (and more diverse) students with science. This approach had been developed through collaboration of secondary science teachers and academic researchers over four years.
The Science Capital Teaching Approach
The Science Capital Teaching Approach is a social justice oriented approach to engaging more (and more diverse) students with science. This approach had been developed through collaboration of secondary science teachers and academic researchers over four years. This animation was produced as part of the Enterprising Science project, a collaboration between University College London, King's College London and the Sceince Museum Group, funded by BP. For more information, vsit the Science Capital Research website: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe-sciencecapital Watch more Science Capital videos: Science Capital - an introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0t70bwPD6Y A Science Capital approach to building engagement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDuEZFRt59M&t=16s