20 items found in 3 pages
MODULE: Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Policy and Practice
This brief video introduction from Nicole Blum (Development Education Research Centre) gives an outline of the 'Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Policy and Practice' module on the Global Learning MA. The module - which is offered both in-person and online - focuses on the evolution of policies and practices related to education for sustainable development (ESD) and their relationship to the discourses around global learning and global citizenship education. This is an educational area of increasing importance globally, particularly with the focus climate change and other environmental crises and debates about the relationship between humans and other living beings. The module will consider how educators can support learners in navigating their understanding and responses to these issues.
Children’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education
At this hybrid symposium, we shared research related to Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education across various contexts. Based on the research-informed evidence, we engaged in discussions about children and young people's participation in mitigating climate changes and how we (researchers, teachers, early years practitioners, parents, children and young people, etc.) can contribute to Sustainability Education to strengthen our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.
Young children's interpretation of 17 SDGs
In this video, Chinese young children (aged 3-6 years old) expressed their own understandings and interpretations of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sustainability Interview with Prof Jim Griffin (audio)
The first audio recording in a series of interviews with Statistical Science academics about how their research crosses over with the discipline of Sustainability.
Sustainability Interview Video with Prof Jim Griffin
The first video in a series of interviews with Statistical Science academics about how their research crosses over with the discipline of Sustainability.
Global Learning MA
Global Learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages active engagement with a diverse, interdependent and fragile world. It encompasses Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education, which are essential for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This online degree will equip you to incorporate global learning into your educational practice, and apply it through policy or research, thereby advancing global social justice and sustainability.
CCCSE - Prof Justin Dillon in conversation with Prof Alan Reid
UCL Professor Justin Dillon discusses contemporary issues in climate change and sustainability awareness, research and education with visiting Professor Alan Reid, leader of the Education, Environment and Sustainability group at Monash University.
CCCSE Teaching for Sustainable Futures and initial Survey Results launch
Recording of the presentation given at the Teaching for Sustainable Futures and initial results of the Survey the CCCSE conducted in 2022.
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