MODULE: Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Policy and Practice

MODULE: Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Policy and Practice
This brief video introduction from Nicole Blum (Development Education Research Centre) gives an outline of the 'Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Policy and Practice' module on the Global Learning MA. The module - which is offered both in-person and online - focuses on the evolution of policies and practices related to education for sustainable development (ESD) and their relationship to the discourses around global learning and global citizenship education. This is an educational area of increasing importance globally, particularly with the focus climate change and other environmental crises and debates about the relationship between humans and other living beings. The module will consider how educators can support learners in navigating their understanding and responses to these issues.
Nicole Blum
DERC_Videos, DERC, MA Global Learning, sustainability education, Climate Change, Global Citizenship, Global Learning, education for sustainable development